IMAD ALDEAN (Dean) AHMAD                     Telephone:

       4323 Rosedale Avenue                                                        301-907-0947 (o)

       Bethesda, MD 20814-4750                                                        301-951-0539 (h)


Personal Data:  Born August 11, 1948, on free waters. 

                        U.S. Citizen. Married. Excellent health.


Education:      A.B. (concentration in astronomy), 1970

                            Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) 1966-70.


                            Ph.D. in astronomy (concentration in astrophysics), 1975

                            University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ) 1971-75.


Honors:                     Star Cup for Outstanding Public Service (2002, from the Montgomery County                         Civic Federation)

                        Champion of Democracy Award (1998, from Marylanders for Democracy)

                        Sentinel Award (1997, from the Montgomery County Civic Federation)

                        Samuel P. Chase Freedom Award (1990, from Maryland Libertarian Party)

                        Graduated Harvard, cum laude.

                        Harvard Scholarship


Memberships in Professional Organizations:

                        Middle East Institute

                        Middle East Studies Association of North America

                                   American Muslim Social Scientists

                            History of Science Society

                            International Astronomical Union

                            American Astronomical Society





11/93 to                President, Minaret of Freedom Institute.

  present                   Conduct research on Islamic politico-economic issues, engage in education on authentic teachings of Islam and the nature of world-wide the Islamic resurgence through lectures and scholarly and popular articles. Presentations have included: lectures in Greece on politico-economic issues in Islam, in America on religious considerations on female genital mutilation, lectures in Ankara and Paris on Islam and Liberalism; a talk at the Vatican on "Impact of the Qur'anic Concept of Astronomical Phenomena on Islamic Civilization"; talk on "An Islamic Perspective on the Wealth of Nations" given in Malaysia at a conference on Development of the Muslim Countries cosponsored by the Islamic Development Bank, the International Institute for Islamic Thought, and the International Islamic University of Malaysia; a talk at the World Bank on "Islam:  Help or Hindrance in the Development of the Occupied Territories"; authorship of the joint statement of the American Muslim Council and the Minaret of Freedom Institute on the Draft Agreement of the Cairo Conference on Population.


  2/81 to          President and Chief Scientist, Imad-ad-Dean, Inc.

  present          research into Islamic economics and legal theory on a grant from the Institute for Humane Studies.  Paper on Islamic Social Thought for the Fraser Institute's Conference on Religion, economics, and social thought.  Research on Islamic history of science and the Islamic calendar. Astrophysical Research for National Aeronautics and Space Administration including analysis and modeling of ultraviolet emission from interacting binary stars and their stellar winds.  Computer consulting for Goddard Space Flight Center and numerous local firms. Chief Executive Officer of Imad-ad-Dean, Inc.


 9/05 to            Adjunct Faculty at Georgetown University

 present            (See teaching experience, below.)


 9/96 to          Adjunct Professor for University of Maryland Honors Program.

 present         (See Teaching Experience, below.)


9/94 to           Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University's School for Advanced

present           International Studies and University of Maryland Honors Program.  (See Teaching Experience, below.)


 2/81 to 2/82             Consultant to Andrulis Research Corp. on the development of software for Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph data reduction and analysis on the Hubble Telescope, and analy­sis of Interna­tional Ultra-violet Explorer data for stellar wind models.  Also consultant to personal computer users.


                      Lecturer at University of Maryland (see Teaching Experience, below).


7/79 to 1/81             Senior Staff Scientist  at Andrulis Research Corp. under contract to NASA for de­velopment of calibration and scientific data reduction software for HRS and applications programming for the IUE.  Also did the­oretical research on role of magnetic reconnec­tion in acceler­ating the solar wind.


  9/77 to 6/79  Research Associate at University of Maryland in solar radio astronomy.  Modeling chromospheric network to account for mm and cm limb brightening and darkening by including the effects of spicules.  Also analyzed microwave burst emission to test flare models and ob­tain estimates of a tem­peratures and magnetic fields in flares.  Computer models of gyroresonance emis­sion.


  10/76 to 9/77 Senior Scientist at American Science and Engineering, analyzed Skylab XR observations of coronal features.  Modeled polar plumes and investigated their association with bright points and implications for solar wind models.


10/75 to 10/76 Associate Scientist at the Harvard College Observatory with the Skylab Solar Workshop on Coronal Holes.  Used EUV solar satellite observations to model polar plumes and their possible role in the solar wind.  Investigated the chromospheric network using Fourier Transform techniques.


10/73 to 10/75 Teaching Assistant at the University of Arizona and substitute teacher with Tucson Public Schools (see Teaching Experience, below).


6/73 to 9/73              Research Assistant, Mt. Hopkins Observatory, Amado, AZ.  Analyzed 10-m telescope data for pulsed gamma radiation from the Crab Nebula. 

                           Revised computer Monte Carlo calculations of cascade showers to include terrestrial magnetic field effects.


  2/72 to 6/73  Research Assistant to Prof. Leo Goldberg, director, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, AZ.  Calculated theoretical He+ 304 A coronal intensities and a theoretical analysis of carbon recombination line radiation from Orion A.  Assisted Dr. Goldberg with his research into various solar atmosphere problems.


 11/70 to 9/71 Assistant Astronomical Observer at Mt. Hopkins Obs., Amado, AZ.  Operated Baker/Nunn camera and satellite tracking laser mount.  Also did darkroom work, astrometric analysis, and assisted in equipment maintenance.


 10/68 to 9/70 Research Aide to Drs. R. J. Davis and W.A. Deutschman, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA.  In addition to computer  programming and routine analysis of satellite acquired stellar UV photometric data, I solved problem of extracting useful information from lunar pictures obtained with the same equipment.


 10/67 to 5/68 Research Aide to Dr. Carl Sagan, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.  Microdensitometer analysis of Mars for a limb darkening study.




Teaching Experience:


Adjunct Faculty, Georgetown University (2005-present). Taught undergraduate introduction to Islam in Theology Department.


Adjunct Lecturer, Joint Special Operations University (2005-present). Teach courses on Introduction to Islam and Introduction to Islamic Law, and Islam in Asia.


Adjunct Faculty, University of Maryland, College Park (1996-present, with rank of senior lecturer as of Fall 2005): Teach an honors program course on Religion and Progress: Islamic Science, Politics, and Economics and an honors program course on Religion, Science and Freedom (funded by a Templeton Foundation grant).  Previously lectured in introductory astronomy course for science majors, at public evenings, and at graduate-level solar physics seminar.  Participated on faculty committee.


Johns Hopkins University School for Advanced International Studies (1994-1996, 2005): Adjunct Professor. Co-teach a graduate level course on social aspects of development for the Center for Social Change and Development program. Previously taught two graduate-level courses for the Center for Social Change and Development program: one on Theories of Social Change and one on Islam and Development.


Visiting Lecturer, Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (1999-2000).  Taught a seminar series on the implications of developments in the natural sciences for the social sciences and religion and a course on theories of socioal change nad the challenge of chaos.


Visiting Lecturer, International Institute for Political and Economic Studies, Athens, Greece (August, 1997): Lectured on Islam, economics, and civil society.


University of Maryland, University College: Lecturer teaching introductory astronomy course.


University of Arizona: Taught a supplemental workshop in introductory astronomy.  Conducted laboratory sessions.  Assisted in teaching introductory science course for science majors, introductory course for non-science majors, and an observational astronomy course for astronomy majors in techniques of visual, photographic, and photometric observing.  Member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.


I also taught math and physical sciences in the Tucson Public Schools (10/73-10/75) and a senior level course on Religion and Ethics at the Islamic Weekend School in Montgomery County, MD (9/81-6/03) and occasionally give introductory lectures on Islam at the Foreign Service Institute in Fairfax, VA.


Imad A. Ahmad, Ph.D.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (political and social science)


I. Ahmad and S. Swick 2008, "Women in Islam: Hard Questions, Intelligent Answers," in preparation for the Minaret of Freedom Institute Pamphlet Series.


I. Ahmad 2008, “Turkish Hindsight: Muslim Roots, Secular Minds,” review of Graham Fuller’s The New Turkish Republic: Turkey as a Pivotal State in the Muslim World. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs IX #1 (Winter/Spring) 127.


I. Ahmad 2007,  "The Political Economy of the Classical Islamic Society," in preparation for submission to History of Political Economy.


I. Ahmad 2006, “Muhammad on the US Constitution (as Inferred from the Qur’an and the Medina Covenant),” ch. VI in Joshua B. Stein, Considering the Constitution: Commentary on the Constitution of the United States from Plato to Rousseau (Boston: Pearson Custom) 57-68.


I. Ahmad 2006, “American and Muslim Perspectives on Freedom of Religion,” University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 8 #3 (May) 355.


I. Ahmad 2006, “Bridging the Divide: The Role of the American Muslims in U.S. Relations with the Islamic World,” Muslim Public Affairs Journal 1 #4 (April) 61.


I. Ahmad 2005, “Common Civilizational Values as Perceived by an American Muslim,” Intercultural Management Quarterly 6 #4 (Fall) 4.


I. Ahmad 2005, “Islam, Commerce and Business Ethics,” in Business and Religions: A Clash of Civilizations? Nicholas Capaldi, ed. (Salem, MA: Scrivener) p. 200.


I. Ahmad 2005, “In Synchrony with the Heavens: Studies in Astronomical Timekeeping and Instrumentation in Medieval Islamic Civilization, Volume One: The Call of the Muezzin (Studies I-IX) (by David A. King),” review, Archeoastronomy XIX, 103.


I. Ahmad 2004, “Conflict Within Islamic Civilization: The Challenge of Disengaging Culture from Religion,” Global Dialogue 6 #1-2 (Winter/Spring), 1. 


I. Ahmad 2004, “Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism (by David Cole),” review, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 21 #3 (Summer), 139.


I. Ahmad 2004, “Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide (by Bat Ye’or),” review, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 21 #3 (Summer), 149.


I. Ahmad 2004, “Prospects in Iraq,” American Muslim Magazine, (Jan.), 30-31.


I. Ahmad 2003, “On the American Constitution from the Perspective of the Qur’an and the Madinah Compact,” American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 20 #3-4 (Summer/Fall), 105-124.


I. Ahmad 2003, “The Patriot Act,” American Muslim Magazine (Nov.-Dec.), 13-15.


I. Ahmad 2003, “Exporting Democracy: Can It Work?” American Muslim Magazine (July), 28-29.


I. Ahmad 2003, "The Role of Neoconservatives in Shaping U.S. Policy," American Muslim Magazine (May), 16.


I. Ahmad 2003, “Passion for Islam Shaping the Modern Middle East: The Egyptian Experience,” review, Middle East Affairs Journal 9 #1-2 (Winter-Spring), 225.


I. Ahmad 2002, “Astronomical References in the Ruba`iyât of Omar Khayyam,” Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society Special #1.


I. Ahmad 2002, “The Importance of Disentangling Culture from Religion,” The AMSS Bulletin 3 #4 (Fall 2002).


I. Ahmad 2002. “The Dangers of Vouchers,” Islamic Horizons, 31 #6 (Nov.-Dec.) 76.


I. Ahmad 2002. “What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response” review, Middle East Affairs Journal 8 #1-2 (Winter-Spring), 187.


I. Ahmad 2002. “The New Mamluks” review, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 19 #2 (Spring), 126.


I. Ahmad 2002. “On the ‘New Revised Edition’ of Yusuf Ali’s Quranic Translation” review, The American Muslim Network #10 (Feb. 2002) 3.


I. Ahmad 2001, “Islam Demands a Muslim Response to the Terror of September 11,” Middle East Affairs Journal 7 #3-4 (Summer-Fall) 27.


I. Ahmad 2001, "The Dark Side of Israel," Liberty 15 #4 (April) 39.


I. Ahmad 2001, “An Islamic Perspective on the Wealth of Nations,” in The Economics Of Property Rights: Cultural, Historical, Legal, And Philosophical Issues, v. 1, S. Pejovich, ed. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar) pp. 55-67.


I. A. Ahmad 2000, "Islamic Contributions to Modern Scientific Methods," Journal of Faith and Science Exchange  IV, 27.


I. Ahmad 2000, "The Oxford History of Islam," review, Middle East Policy, VII (Oct.) 197.


I. Ahmad 2000, "Female Genital Mutilation: An Islamic Perspective," Minaret of Freedom Institute Pamphlet Series #1 (Bethesda, MD: Minaret of Freedom Institute).


I. D. Ahmad 2000, “Light Rail Will Devastate the Capital Crescent Trail,” Civic Federation News (March), 7.


I. Ahmad 2000, "American Muslim Engagement in Politics," American Muslim 1 #1 (Jan.) 27.


I. Ahmad 1999, "Economy, Technology, and the Environment: The Islamic Middle Way," Journal of Faith and Science Exchange  III,55.


I. Ahmad 1999, "Islamic View of Adoption," in Adoption Factbook III, W. L. Pierce, ed. (Washington, DC: National Council for Adoption), p. 245.


I. Ahmad 1999, "Using Early Muslim Land Tax Practice to Form an Islamic Theory of Real Property," delivered to the Association of American Muslim Social Scientists in Herndon Virginia on Oct. 30, 1999.


I. Ahmad 1999, "Definitions of Democracy," Muslim Democrat 1 #2 (Sept.) 2.


I. Ahmad 1999, "Islamic Fundamentalism," review, Arab Studies Quarterly 21 #2 (Spring) 102.


I. Ahmad 1998, "The Dinar: Indispensability of Hard Money to the Islamic Monetary Regime," delivered to the Association of American Muslim Social Scientists in Chicago on Oct. 30, 1998.


I. A. Ahmad 1998, “Report on the Social Service Needs of American Muslims,” prepared for the American Muslim Council (Washington, DC).


I. Ahmad 1998, "Sudan: Who Dug Up the 'Hard Evidence'?" The Wall Street Journal, CCXXXII #93 (11/11/98) A23.


I. Ahmad 1998, "L'économie Politique dans la Société Islamique Classique," Le Forum Libéral #9 (7/17/98) 24.


I. Ahmad and A. Yousef 1998, eds., Islam and the West: A Dialog, (Springfield: UASR/AMF).


R. W. Lane and I. Ahmad 1997, Islam and the Discovery of Freedom (Beltsville: AMANA).


I. Ahmad 1997, “Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths,” review, Middle East Affairs Journal 3 #3-4 (Summer-Fall) 289.


I. Ahmad 1997, "Islam, Market Economy, and the Rule of Law," (Second International Symposium on Liberalism in Ankara 18-19 May 1996), in Liberal Dusunce Toplulugu ve Friedrich Naumann Vakfi: Turkiye II. Uluslararasi Liberal Dusunce Sempozyumu (Ankara 1997) p. 51.


I. Ahmad 1997,  "Whose Homeland Is Palestine?" The Wall Street Journal, CCXXIX #12 (1/22/97) A16.


I. A. Ahmad 1996, "Islam and the Progenitors of Austrian Economics," in The Contributions of Murray Rothbard to Monetary Economics ed. by C. Thies, (Winchester, VA: Durrell Institute at Shenandoah University) p. 77.


I. A. Ahmad 1996, "Who's to Blame for the Escalation of Violence in the Middle East?" The Washington Times (10/14/96) A17.


I. A. Ahmad 1996, "Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World," review, Arab Studies Quarterly 18 #3 (Summer) 90.


I. A. Ahmad 1996, "Islam and Markets," Religion and Liberty 16, #3 (May-June), 6-8.


Dean Ahmad 1996 "Islam et Liberalisme" in Islam et Liberalisme ed. by Henri LePage (Paris:  Institut Euro 92) 1.


I. A. Ahmad 1996, "Repressing Dissent Breeds Violence," The Wall Street Journal CCXXVIII #4 (7/5/96) A7.


I. A. Ahmad 1996, "Allah Transcendent: Studies in the Structure and Semiotics of Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Cosmology," review, Arab Studies Quarterly, 18, #1 (Winter) 106.


I. A. Ahmad 1996,  "An Islamic Perspective on the Wealth of Nations," paper presented at the conference on the Comprehensive Development of the Muslim Countries (Aug. 1-3, 1994) in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. Aug. 1-3, 1994, (Minaret of Freedom Preprint 96-4).


I. A. Ahmad 1995, "A History of Arab Astronomy," review, Arab Studies Quarterly, 17 #4 (Fall) 85.


I. A. Ahmad 1995,  "Preliminary Analysis of 'The Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995,'" The AMC Report 5 #2 (May) p. 5.


I. A. Ahmad 1995,  "The Impact of the Qur'anic Conception of Astronomical Phenomena on Islamic Civilization," a paper presented at the Vatican Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, Villa Mondo Migliore, Rocca di Papa, Italy (27 June - 2 July 1994), Vistas in Astronomy 39, p. 395.


I. A. Ahmad 1994,  "Political Economy of Liberty in the Arab and Islamic Middle East," Middle East Policy 3 #2 (Winter), 118.


I. A. Ahmad 1994, "Islam and Economic Development: Help or Hindrance in Gaza and Jericho?" talk presented to the Washington Chapter of the Society for International Development (Feb. 8, 1994) at the World Bank, Washington, D.C.


I. A. Ahmad 1993, "Riba and Interest: Definitions and Implications," paper presented at the 22nd meeting of the American Muslim Social Scientists (Oct. 15-17, 1993) in Herndon, VA.


I. A. Ahmad 1993, "Islam and Freedom," Religion and Liberty 3 #5 (Sep.-Oct.) 7.


I. A. Ahmad 1993, "The Status of Jerusalem," a talk presented in a panel discussion at the Third Annual Briefing on the Middle East at the Virginia Military Institute (Sep. 13-14, 1993) Lexington, VA.


I. A. Ahmad 1993, “Hijab in the Qur’an,” Reminder, 5 #3 (May-June) 2.


I. A. Ahmad 1993, "Islam and Hayek," Economic Affairs 13 #3 (Apr.), 16.


I. A. Ahmad 1993,  "Islam, Liberty and Free Markets," Proceedings of the 21st meeting of the American Muslim Social Scientists (Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1992) in East Lansing, MI, p. 275.


I. A. Ahmad 1993, "Islam and Science: Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for Rationality," review, Arab Studies Quarterly 15 #3 (Summer), 133.


I. A. Ahmad 1992, Signs in the Heavens: A Muslim Astronomer's Perspective on Religion and Science, (Beltsville: Writers, Inc.).


I. A. Ahmad 1992, “On the ‘New Revised Edition’ of Yusuf Ali’s Qur’anic Translation,” review, Reminder 4 #2 (Mar.-Apr.) 2. Reprinted online 1997:


I. A. Ahmad 1987,  "The American 1988 Presidential Campaign," Impact 17, #20, 18 (Oct. 23- Nov. 12).


I. A. Ahmad 1987,  "Terrorizing Libya," Nomos (Jan.-Feb.).


I. A. Ahmad 1986,  "Islamic Social Thought," in Religion, Economics and Social Thought, W. Block and I. Hexham, eds. (Vancouver: Fraser Inst.) p. 465.


I. A. Ahmad 1986,  "Comments on Tanaka's Theory of Parental Rights," Familist 5 #6, 3 (Nov.-Dec.).


I. A. Ahmad 1986,  "Palestine, Iran, and the Middle East," New Libertarian 4 #16, 8 (Aug.).


I. A. Ahmad 1985,  "The Purple Rose of Cairo: A Parable for the Reagan Era", review, New Libertarian 4 #14, 18 (June).


I. A. Ahmad 1985, "Super Parents Super Children: Child-Rearing," review, Familist 4 #1, 1 (Jan.-Feb.).


I. A. Ahmad 1984,  "Violence Prevention Network," Familist 3 #6, 1 (Aug.).


I. A. Ahmad 1984,  "Remarks on Children's Rights," Familist 3 #1, 1 (Jan.-Feb.).


I. A. Ahmad 1982,  "The Battle of Back Creek," Reason (July).


I. A. Ahmad 1982,  "Israel and the Palestinians," Libertarian Broadside #7, 1 (Feb. 23).


I. A. Ahmad 1980,  "The Israeli Fantasy," Libertarian Review (Dec.).


I. A. Ahmad 1980,  "The P.L.O.–A Sketch," Individual Liberty 11, #1, 5 (Jan.).


I. A. Ahmad 1979,  "The If-Black-Is-White Syndrome," Free State Libertarian Letter 1,63 (June).


I. A. Ahmad 1979,  "Children's Rights: Age of Majority," Free State Libertarian Letter 1, 39 (Mar.-Apr.).


I. A. Ahmad 1978,  "A New Direction for Government Expansion," Liberty (Aug.).


I. A. Ahmad 1978,  "Nuclear Energy vs. the Free Market," Liberty (Oct.).


I. A. Ahmad 1976,  "Do Parasites Have Rights?" Liberty (Oct.).


I. A. Ahmad 1976,  "The Age of Maturity," Liberty (July).


I. A. Ahmad 1971,  "Anarchism, Communism, and Post-scarcity Economy," Sunburst (June).


I. A. Ahmad 1971,  "Cassiopeia's Fetters: On the Outside Looking In," Sunburst (June).


I. A. Ahmad 1971,  "I Shall Now Read You Your Rights--I Have Just Read You Your Rights," The Match! (Mar.).


I. A. Ahmad 1970,  "An Interview with Karl Hess," The Match! (Dec.).


I. A. Ahmad 1970,   "The Right to Rule in the Middle East," Abolitionist 1, 8 (Oct.-Nov.).


I. A. Ahmad 1969,   "What Nixon Plan?" Principia 1, 7.


      [The author has also published over 80 pieces on the subject of astronomy and astrophysics (including 17 articles in refereed journals).  A complete list is available on request.]